Condo living: How to Maximize Your Small Dining Room?

by Khent Gerald Barangas on May 16, 2023

living room in small condominium

If you live in a small condominium in the Philippines, you know how hard it can be to fit a dining room in your space. In fact, in some condos, setting up a good  dining table alone can be such a challenge, as it will take up so much space. However, we can make it work with our good condo organization ideas. Don’t worry, we have simple tips to make it happen.

On this page, we'll explore some simple yet effective ways to maximize space in your small condo dining room. From using minimalist furniture pieces to using dining room accessories that will make your space bigger - there’s a way to make a stylish dining room.

1. Combine your kitchen and dining area

merging kitchen and dining room in condominium

To tell you the truth, this Condo interior design idea isn’t new. Well, the obvious reason is that owners don’t have that much choice but to merge them. But if you haven’t tried these tips, we suggest that you start re-organizing today.

This is a smart move to make the most of your two spaces. You can have a bigger kitchen when you are preparing your meals. On the other hand, when you are done cooking, you then have a bigger area for dining. It's a practical way of utilizing your limited dining space. 

2. Use multi-functional furniture to save space 

Qoncept Living Luna Trolley

Multi-functional furniture pieces are perfect for condos. They are versatile and can add functionality and element of style to the room. For instance, you can buy a chair that has hidden storage space. There are also tables that have built-in shelves. Using these types of furniture pieces not only saves space but also keeps your living room clutter-free.

3. Choose a Circular Dining Table

Using circular dining table to save space

A circular table is also ideal for small condominiums. Its petite body with a pedestal base is a space-saving feature. Furthermore, the circular tabletop can easily fit into open-plan living spaces.

The oval table is another excellent choice. Its unique shape can add visual interest to your dining area. Like the circular table, it also has a petite body so it also offers space-saving benefits to a small space.

4. Attach a Large Mirror to Your Wall

large mirror in dining room

Believe it or not, a mirror can make your room appear larger than it actually is. It can reflect light and create an illusion of more space. Furthermore, the light it reflects bounces around the room, making your space brighter and feel more open.

5. Choose Minimalist Furniture

Qoncept Vermont

Adopting minimalism can be a game changer in designing a small dining area in a condominium. It's a perfect approach because it requires minimizing the number of dining pieces inside the area.

Beyond that, minimalist furniture looks really good. It offers a timeless design and a sophisticated and elegant look. By designing a minimalist dining room, you can create a relaxing atmosphere that won't go out of style.

Make Your Small Dining Room Glow with the Right Furniture

Qoncept offers several space-saving and minimalist furniture pieces that can elevate your small dining room. If you choose our quality products, you can build a cozy and inviting space without compromising your space and design. Finally, all Qoncept products from furniture to accessories are built to last. Check our product catalog to find your perfect pieces today. Visit also our official stores on Lazada and Shopee to find perfect, space-saving pieces for your home.

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